April 2023
Catholic Healthcare is committed to providing quality aged care services for our clients and residents. That’s why we formed Consumer Advisory Panels, comprised of Home Care clients and Residential Care residents to represent the voice of the customer. The panels meet regularly with Catholic Healthcare to provide valuable feedback and insights so that we can continually improve on our service offering to our clients.
Home Care Panel
In January, we consulted our Consumer Advisory Panel on their approach to technology and the use of Apps.
What did we learn?
- Educational and information Apps were more frequently and widely used in our client’s gaining knowledge and facts such as dictionaries, newspapers and news.
- ‘User Friendly’ Apps were described as direct access, without passwords and advertisements.
How we will use this feedback
As a result of the insights gained around technology and Apps, we have incorporated this into the design of our App, which will allow clients to see their service schedule and interact with the organisation.
More user testing feedback has commenced, with clients and carers sharing their experience of using the pilot App. We expect the App will be made available to our clients in a few months.
Residential Aged Care Panel
In February we invited members of our newly formed Consumer Advisory Panel representatives to head office for morning tea and to meet with our CEO, Karen Borg and Chair, Steve Teulan.
Panel members were blown away by the opportunity! Flights were offered to those who expressed a desire to attend, and accommodation was organised for members travelling from afar. It was a wonderful opportunity for the panel members to meet one another, as sessions are held online.
Panel members spoke candidly and honestly about living in a Catholic Healthcare residential care home, which will assist to enhance the service offerings and experience for our future residents when living in our residential aged care homes. Appreciation was expressed by the panel members for how warm and open the conversation was for how generous Karen and Steve were with their time.
How to join our Residential Aged Care Consumer Advisory Panel
Our Consumer Advisory Panel meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 11am – 12pm. The sessions are held online and each home has a support person who will assist you to join. There are two intakes in 2023: March and September.