May 1, 2023
Residential Aged Care
Catholic Healthcare Star Rating changes
Catholic Healthcare is committed to providing quality residential aged care services, which is why more than 60% of our homes have a rating of 4 or 5 stars!
Under the new National Aged Care Mandatory Quality Indicator Program, providers must report on a range of topics each quarter to the government. Starting in May 2023, we are implementing a survey comprised of 12 questions to collect residents’ views on their experience living in the home and their quality of life. Survey responses are anonymous to Catholic Healthcare.
Only one survey response can be completed per resident. If a resident is unable to complete the survey on their own, we encourage their authorised representative to assist them, or alternatively, the home can provide a volunteer to assist the resident. Residents do not have to participate if they do not wish to, and their authorised representative can complete the survey on their behalf. Again, the authorised representative has the option to decline participation in the survey.
Once the surveys have been completed, we need to report back to the government on the following:
With the government mandating quarterly surveying of our residents, we know that we have asked you to complete a lot of surveys! To ease the survey burden, we will be reducing the amount of surveys we send to you.
May 1, 2023
Residential Aged Care
Catholic Healthcare is committed to providing quality residential aged care services, which is why more than 60% of our homes have a rating of 4 or 5 stars!
May 2, 2023
Residential Aged Care
It is important that residential aged care residents provide open and honest feedback about the care they are receiving. That is why the government has appointed an independent research consortium to undertake a Resident’s Experience Star Rating survey in every residential aged care home.