Catholic Healthcare is proud to release its first Modern Slavery Statement, an initiative aimed at developing a more compassionate and humane society in which the dignity of each human person is respected. It is estimated that over 40 million people are the victims of modern slavery including child labour, forced labour, debt bondage, forced marriage and human trafficking.
Catholic Healthcare deeply values the principles of the dignity and worth of every person, while also committing to solidarity with those treated unjustly or oppressed. As part of this commitment, we joined the Australian Catholic Anti-Slavery Taskforce Network. Catholic Healthcare is supportive of the Australian Government’s objective to end modern slavery and we are committed to hold ourselves accountable and will take action to address modern slavery in our own operations and supply chains.
Our particular focus is on the care and support of seniors in our Residential Aged Care Homes and Community Services. In doing so, Catholic Healthcare engages with a wide range of suppliers of goods and services and we look forward to working with them to raise awareness of the important issue of modern slavery, and to progressively refine procurement practices which focus on the just and ethical production of goods and services. We, as an organisation, are committed to the eradication of modern slavery.
In submitting the inaugural Modern Slavery Statement, Catholic Healthcare aims to provide an honest observation of the organisation’s current approach and future plans to understanding, identifying, assessing and addressing the risk of modern slavery.
The Modern Slavery Statement was developed by an internal team comprising representatives from Procurement, Legal Counsel, Communications and the Mission team and is supported by the Board of Catholic Healthcare Limited.
To view the full Modern Slavery Statement click on the image above.