Thank you Renier for your inspiration and vision! Currently Area Chef Manager at St Catherine's, Renier features in an article about how organisational changes can produce unexpected, positive experiences and foster meaningful engagement.
Renier created a new tradition at St Catherine's in Bathurst inspired by Christmas! With staff normally wearing something red or Christmas-themed to get into the spirit of the season, Renier deliberately went one step further and donned a bright red pair of steel-capped shoes, in his efforts to help residents with vision impairment recognise him more easily! One resident in particular, Gloria, who experiences low-vision, began to strike up regular conversations with Renier and the two formed a close bond through their many conversations.
"The red shoes have helped me get to know the residents better and care for their needs in a more person-centred way," says Renier of his initiative.
Many thanks to Australian Ageing Agenda (AAA) and authors Dr Sanetta du Toit, Dr Kylie Wales, Dr Jacki Wesson. Image credit - John Moran.